About Me

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Maine&NY, United States
Ronna Lambiasi DeLoe is an author, writer, photographer, professional musician and NY attorney living in Maine and New York. She has an office in NY and is still actively doing appeals. She also play keys, synth & organ in a 7-piece band. Ms. DeLoe's poetry website provides custom poems or personalized poetry for every occasion. The new site is at: https://www.facebook.com/PoetandWriter/?fref=ts. Her photography website is: www.mainestreamphotography.com (live but under construction). Ms. DeLoe's first book of poetry is Serenity at Two Lights and Other Social Issues. It can be found on www.Amazon.com. Her children's book, Goodbye Monsters, can be found at: http://www.amazon.com/Goodbye-Monsters-Ronna-Lambiasi-DeLoe/dp/1633810011/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1436384727&sr=8-1&keywords=ronna+lambiasi+deloe. Contact her at ronnadeloe@gmail.com and view her webpage at www.ronnalambiasideloe.com.

Friday, March 5, 2010

What person in your life helped you understand the importance of choosing words carefully? What would you say to them if you met them today?

The person who made the biggest impression on me regarding speech, language and writing was my twelfth grade creative writing teacher, Duke Schirmer. I was lucky to reestablish contact with him after more than thirty-two years and we are still in touch with each other. He was a tremendous inspiration to me in many ways. He and his wife used to read poetry to each other every day for many years over a bottle of wine. The neighbors came to listen and I thought it was such a romantic thing to do. Now my teacher is my friend. As a teacher, he gave the right amount of praise and correction, which was never harsh or meant to stifle creativity. He loved when your poem was a little more outlandish than the one you wrote last week. Much of my writing is dedicated to Duke and the impression he made on me. Cheers, Duke, as you used to say in your tie-dyed shirts as you sat on the floor, smoking cigarettes in class. Thanks, Duke, for guiding me in the write direction.

1 comment:

  1. Sadly, I want to add that my beloved teacher, Duke Schirmer, recently passed away after a battle with lung cancer. His wife Martha had died in the fall, and now Duke succumbed to the same disease. I will miss you forever, Duke. You were the best teacher I ever had, a surrogate father and a wonderful friend to me, my husband and daughter. Thank you for all you have done. I hope more teachers touch lives like you did. Peace out, gentle giant.
