About Me

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Maine&NY, United States
Ronna Lambiasi DeLoe is an author, writer, photographer, professional musician and NY attorney living in Maine and New York. She has an office in NY and is still actively doing appeals. She also play keys, synth & organ in a 7-piece band. Ms. DeLoe's poetry website provides custom poems or personalized poetry for every occasion. The new site is at: https://www.facebook.com/PoetandWriter/?fref=ts. Her photography website is: www.mainestreamphotography.com (live but under construction). Ms. DeLoe's first book of poetry is Serenity at Two Lights and Other Social Issues. It can be found on www.Amazon.com. Her children's book, Goodbye Monsters, can be found at: http://www.amazon.com/Goodbye-Monsters-Ronna-Lambiasi-DeLoe/dp/1633810011/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1436384727&sr=8-1&keywords=ronna+lambiasi+deloe. Contact her at ronnadeloe@gmail.com and view her webpage at www.ronnalambiasideloe.com.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Writing and Lots of Ronnas

I found a few websites recently that are great for freelance writers. The myku poetry is helpful for keeping poetry alive and for many prompts based on the posts of other writers. The Knowledge Writing has many different types of feature articles. I'm writing for the legal sites on Knowledge Writing because that was what I qualified for as an expert. It's a lot of work but rewarding because my articles are going on many different sites, including divorcenet.com, divorcelawfirms.com, and disabilitylawyers.com. I also do legal writing for Demand Studios, as well as articles about travel, cooking, music, relationships, parenting, and general topics for other sites.
In the meantime, someone found me on Facebook and started a Ronnas Unite site for people with the unusual first name of Ronna. We thought maybe we'd have about 20 people or so. Right now, we're up to 89 people and still growing. I know of two other Ronnas who have yet to join, and there are even more Ronnas on Twitter who are not on Facebook. It's an eye-opener because we all have the same story about how people mangle our first name and we all tell people to pronounce our name "like Donna with an R."
Keep writing and check out http://www.poemsforalloccasions.com/

1 comment:

  1. We're up to 124 members as of 9/7/10. It's incredible -- these women are all over the United States, Canada, the Philippines, Indonesia, New Zealand and Malaysia, to name a few. Who knew?
