About Me

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Maine&NY, United States
Ronna Lambiasi DeLoe is an author, writer, photographer, professional musician and NY attorney living in Maine and New York. She has an office in NY and is still actively doing appeals. She also play keys, synth & organ in a 7-piece band. Ms. DeLoe's poetry website provides custom poems or personalized poetry for every occasion. The new site is at: https://www.facebook.com/PoetandWriter/?fref=ts. Her photography website is: www.mainestreamphotography.com (live but under construction). Ms. DeLoe's first book of poetry is Serenity at Two Lights and Other Social Issues. It can be found on www.Amazon.com. Her children's book, Goodbye Monsters, can be found at: http://www.amazon.com/Goodbye-Monsters-Ronna-Lambiasi-DeLoe/dp/1633810011/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1436384727&sr=8-1&keywords=ronna+lambiasi+deloe. Contact her at ronnadeloe@gmail.com and view her webpage at www.ronnalambiasideloe.com.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

A Moment of Silence for the Victims of Sandy Hook/Newtown, Connecticut

Please remember to observe a moment of silence tomorrow at 9:30 EST in memory of the victims of Sandy Hook and Newtown, Connecticut. I would like to see Time Magazine's "Person" of the Year be something more important than a president or secretary of state. I would like to see the Time Magazine's "Person" of the year be "Senseless Violence," just as the year before the "Person" of the Year was the "Protestor."
How many more people have to die until we understand we need to do something about gun control AND about mental health?

Shame on this country for allowing this pattern to continue.

  Moment of Silence for Sandy Hook Victims on Dec. 21