About Me

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Maine&NY, United States
Ronna Lambiasi DeLoe is an author, writer, photographer, professional musician and NY attorney living in Maine and New York. She has an office in NY and is still actively doing appeals. She also play keys, synth & organ in a 7-piece band. Ms. DeLoe's poetry website provides custom poems or personalized poetry for every occasion. The new site is at: https://www.facebook.com/PoetandWriter/?fref=ts. Her photography website is: www.mainestreamphotography.com (live but under construction). Ms. DeLoe's first book of poetry is Serenity at Two Lights and Other Social Issues. It can be found on www.Amazon.com. Her children's book, Goodbye Monsters, can be found at: http://www.amazon.com/Goodbye-Monsters-Ronna-Lambiasi-DeLoe/dp/1633810011/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1436384727&sr=8-1&keywords=ronna+lambiasi+deloe. Contact her at ronnadeloe@gmail.com and view her webpage at www.ronnalambiasideloe.com.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

What do you do about the monster under the bed? Read Goodbye Monsters

I have a children's book coming out soon that is entitled Goodbye Monsters. This book, written in verse and beautifully illustrated by Ronna Hampton, is perfect for the child who is afraid of the monster under the bed or in his/her bedroom. You can see the cover on my new author's website, which is a work in progress but will be finished soon:


The book will be listed on Amazon but can also be purchased by contacting me directly at ronnadeloe@gmail.com. The book should be available by early July, 2014.

Write on!
Ronna Lambiasi DeLoe

Friday, June 6, 2014

Are all mediums fake? The Long Island Medium is under investigation for fraud according to sources

The Long Island medium a phony? Fake? Fraud? Who knew?

Here is the article:

I would say, Caveat Emptor, buyer beware. I know a medium also. Find out more about her below.

My husband says he's not a medium, he's an extra large. :)

The medium I know has the same issues. She is also coincidentally from Long Island. None of the readings she did with me were valid. She knew everything about my deceased ex-husband and did a reading based on what she knew. There was no new information. Likewise, when she did a reading for me another time, she told me the number 5 meant something special to me. Okay, no it didn't, but I didn't tell her that. I made up some garbage to connect it to the #5 to make her feel better but I knew she was a fraud. I just never told her. My husband observed the reading. He also knew it was fake.

Someone this woman dated only once told her she should not be using any special gift she might have for profit and that it is shameful to do that. She continues to do so to the most vulnerable people --- people who have lost a loved one. (She probably dated him only once because of what he said to her; I'm sure it pissed her off).

People desperately want to believe in these readings, especially when they're in a fragile state. It's not fair, it's fraud and it all should be investigated. It also should require a license, just like everything else.

Any thoughts? Feel free to contribute a comment.

Peace through writing,


Thursday, June 5, 2014

Serenity at Two Lights and Other Social Issues - poetry collection

My poetry collection, Serenity at Two Lights and Other Social Issues,  can be ordered on the following sites:
check order form and it's listed alphabetically



The poetry collection includes some of my photography and contains poems on a variety of subjects, including Maine in different seasons, curing cancer, Columbine and Newtown, bullying, and lighter subjects like the science projects you can find in a refrigerator. Okay, so maybe in my refrigerator, not yours, but you get the picture. :)
